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Covid-19 pandemic has been a major concern worldwide since its outbreak in late 2019. The impact of this pandemic has been felt all over the globe, and the medical fraternity has been on the forefront in trying to contain and control it. Figures and statistics show that the topmost affected region is Europe, followed by the Americas, and the lowest being Africa. The virus has affected all aspects of life, including the economy, social, and political sectors. To curb the spread of the virus, governments and health organizations have taken measures such as imposition of lockdowns, social distancing, wearing of masks, and vaccination campaigns. These measures have had a significant impact in minimizing the spread of the virus, and they have to some extent controlled the pandemic. Studies have shown that the Covid-19 virus spreads through contact with droplets excreted from an infected person during coughing, sneezing, or talking. The virus can also spread through contaminated surfaces. Therefore, regular washing of hands, use of sanitizers, proper ventilation, and avoiding close contact with infected persons are some of the ways to minimize the spread of the disease. The pandemic has caused immense economic strains globally. Governments have been forced to close down many businesses to curb social gatherings, and this has significantly affected the livelihoods of many people. Unemployment rates have skyrocketed, and the gap between the rich and the poor is widening each day. In conclusion, the Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact in all aspects of life. Prevention measures need to be adhered to, and governments should prioritize the safety of their citizens. The hope of putting an end to this pandemic lies in effective vaccines and the adherence to preventive measures. Let us all unite and work together to fight this pandemic.


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