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Shanghai has long been one of China's most vibrant and populous cities, with its bustling streets and dynamic economy. However, in recent times the city has been dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak, which has led to a lot of fear and uncertainty among the populace. Many people are turning to traditional Chinese astrology and fortune telling to try and make sense of the situation and predict what the future holds. In particular, there has been a lot of interest in the art of Bazi, which involves looking at a person's birth chart to determine their destin{学习更多 十二星座配对表知识请关注 :27星座知识网,wwW.xiAohuA27.COm〗】y and potential future. According to some Bazi experts in Shanghai, the city is set to face a challenging period over the coming months as it tries to contain the spread of the virus. They predict that the situation could become even more severe in the second quarter of the year, with increased numbers of cases and more severe restrictions on movement and activity. However, they also point out that this is not necessarily a cause for despair, as Bazi suggests that there are still positive outcomes to be achieved. By working together and staying vigilant, the people of Shanghai can overcome this challenge and emerge stronger and more united than ever before. Of course, it is important to remember that astrology and fortune telling are not exact sciences, and there is no guarantee that these predictions will come to pass. Nonetheless, they can provide a useful source of insight and guidance as the city navigates its way through this difficult time. Whether or not the predictions come true, there is no doubt that everyone in Shanghai is doing their best to stay safe and healthy during this trying period.


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