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Pisces: The Dreamer's Sign Pisces is the zodiac sign for those born between February 19th and March 20th. Ruled by Neptune, the planet of illusion and spirituality, Pisces is known for its dreamy nature and highly intuitive personality. People born under this sign are often compassionate and artistic, with a natural inclination towards helping others. Their empathy makes them highly sensitive to the emotions of those around them, and they tend to absorb the energy of their environment like a sponge. Pisces is a water sign, whic{领略更多 十二星座查询资讯请关注 :127星座生肖网,wWw.127yS.Com]h emphasizes its emotional nature. These individuals tend to be highly introspective, and they often rely on their intuition to guide them. They are creative and love to explore their imaginative side, making them excellent artists, writers, and musicians. One of the notable traits of Pisces is their desire to escape reality at times. This can lead them to be daydreamers, and they often find comfort in meditation or other forms of spiritual practices. They are highly intuitive and can sense things others can't, making them excellent at interpreting dreams and other forms of unconscious messages. However, this sensitivity can also make them vulnerable to emotional manipulation. It's important for them to learn how to balance their emotional needs while also being mindful of their boundaries. Pisces are often very romantic and are drawn to deep, meaningful connections. They value honesty and trust and are loyal to those they love. But their romantic idealism can also lead to disappointment when reality doesn't live up to their expectations. In summary, Pisces is the sign of dreamers, artists, and deep thinkers. Their sensitivity and intuition make them highly empathetic and compassionate towards others. While they may struggle to balance their emotional needs, they have the potential to create great beauty and meaning in the world.


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